Development, expansion and strengthening of the OER community in meteorology to include as many specialist areas as possible relating to the climate system in order to create an accessible and level-adapted OER landscape


KlimaOER logo; above an open book is the globe with a network on the left and the lines of longitude and latitude on the right. Above the globe are three stripes wrapped around the earth on the left, symbolizing a rainbow, up to a small sphere representing the sun on the top right. A cloud is depicted on the far right. A banner with the inscription KlimaOER runs across the globe
KlimaOER Logo © Ellen Arimond

The KlimaOER project was launched in June 2024 in the meteorological department at the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Bonn. We are working in cooperation with the Universities of Cologne, Kalsruhe and Hamburg and the project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (German: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF) for a period of 3 years. There is a cooperation with the University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS). Leonie Esters, Lisa Schielicke and Insa Thiele-Eich are leading the project in Bonn. The project is coordinated by Ellen Arimond.

What is OER?

"Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials of any kind and in any medium that are available under an open license. Such a license enables free access as well as free use, editing and redistribution by third parties without or with minor restrictions. The copyright holders themselves determine which rights of use they grant and which rights they reserve." (Definition from UNESCO.de)

What is KlimaOER?

The OER community is constantly growing and must be further promoted, spreaded and strengthened. To this, KlimaOER is to become a central point of contact for the OER network. Experts who have already created OER materials should be incorporated into a mentoring program in order to pass on their knowledge to those interested in OER, making it easier to spread OER and create more content. To ensure that the educational materials are also accessible to everyone, guidelines, e.g. on inclusion (more on this in the project application), are needed for the people who create them. These will be produced in the course of the project.

Another aim of the project is to create meteorological content for newcomers to the Master's degree programs in meteorology to make it easier for them to get started. In addition, we want to fulfill our educational mission to the general public and provide educational materials with weather and climate topics at different levels with content and factual expertise from our meteorological community. School visits with lectures, workshops and experiments are intended to spread OER and KlimaOER content.

Portals with OER materials

MetEd2 is a platform with collected educational materials in the geosciences. The target group of this website are mainly students.

MERLOT3 is a English-language search platform that leads to various websites with the content you are looking for. OER content must be filtered. All levels are addressed.

OERSI4 is a German-language search platform for OER materials only, which links to various websites with the content you are looking for. The target group is primarily students.

ORCA.nrw5 is both a German-language search platform for OER materials and a point of contact for the creation of OER materials. The target group are students and teachers.

We are learning online6 is a German-language search platform that links to various websites after entering the topic you are looking for. You have to filter for OER materials. Everything from primary school materials to university content is searchable.

A further list of websites with OER content can be found at OERinfo7.

© Scott Graham | Unsplash

News of the Project

Here you will find new developments of our project and the documentation of the last workshops:

© Simon Fuhrmann

Project results

Here you will find the results we have already produced, such as guidelines and the best practice example:

© Foto von Sincerely Media auf Unsplash

Currently planned Workshops - Registration

Here you will find the date and topic of the next workshop:

© Volker Lannert

Climate Education for your School

In cooperation with UPAS, we go to schools and use the LMU climate kit to educate people about climate change and extreme weather events.

Sponsored by


Logo BMBF: German eagle
© Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

German: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

accompanied by



German Aerospace Center - Project Management Agency

German: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Projektträger

Cooperation with


UPAS logo: Blue globe with interlinking lines and two incomplete circles around it

University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences

Cooperation with

University of Hamburg15

Logo Uni Hamburg
© Universität Hamburg

Meteorological Institute

Logo KIT

Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research

Cooperation with

University of Cologne17

Logo Uni Cologne
© Universität Köln

Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology

Contact us

If you have any questions about the project, are interested in working with us or would like to request a school visit, you can contact us at klimaoer@uni-bonn.de or using the contact details below.

Avatar Arimond

Ellen Arimond

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Auf dem Hügel 20

53121 Bonn

Avatar Esters

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters



Auf dem Hügel 20

53121 Bonn

Avatar Thiele-Eich

Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Avatar Schielicke

Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Schielicke

Lehrstuhlinhaberin, Vertretung

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