Aktuelle Hinweise

Am Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2024, 15 Uhr, Geozentrum Übungsraum 8, findet ein Vortrag von Prof. Lara Maritan aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Padova statt:

We are very pleased to invite you to an upcoming research talk by Prof. Lara Maritan from the Department of Geosciences, University of Padova:

The research activity of Prof. Maritan is mainly focused on the application of petrography to the study of materials of the cultural heritage, and on experimental petrology aimed to model firing processes of traditional ceramics. Her talk will focus on a couple of case studies published in the last years, showing the link between geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and the cultural heritage (especially archeological materials).
Furthermore, Prof. Maritan will shortly give insight into the structure and facilities (i.e. labs) at the Department of Geosciences in Padova.

This event will take place on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 3 p.m. (15:00h) in the Geozentrum, Meckenheimer Allee 176, Übungsraum 8 (ground floor).

The talk will be followed by a Q&A session, offering participants the opportunity to engage with the speaker and discuss topics of mutual interest. Your presence will enrich the discussion, and we look forward to your participation. Please mark your calendars for this date and feel free to share this invitation with interested students.

Achtung: Auch dieses Wintersemester findet das Forschungsseminar Donnerstags ab 13 Uhr statt.

Forschungsseminar Geophysik

Im Rahmen des Forschungsseminars sind sowohl Mitarbeitende und Studierende der Abteilung Geophysik sowie auch Forschende aus nationalen und internationalen Kooperationen eingeladen ihren aktuellen Stand der geophysikalischen Forschung zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.
Das Forschungsseminar der Abteilung Geophysik findet während der Vorlesungszeit jedes Semesters statt.

Bei Interesse an der Teilnahme wird um Voranmeldung gebeten:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna

Teilnahme, Ort und Zeit

innerhalb der Vorlesungszeit

13:00 - 14:30 Uhr

Raum 3.006, 3. OG
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn

Programm im Wintersemester 2024/2025

10.10., 13:15 Uhr

  • Info-Meeting und Terminfindung

weitere Termine ausstehend

11.04., 13 Uhr

  • Info-Meeting und Terminfindung

25.04., 13 Uhr

  • Maximilian Weigand: Electrical inversion infrastructure in our working group - current state and future plans

02.05., 13 Uhr

  • Niklas Sachwitz: Modelling of the anisotropic effective complex conductivity of plant roots based on cylindrical structural parameterization

06.06., 13 Uhr

  • Daria Pankova: Elucidating the thermo-hydrogeological controls of Lagoon Pingo (Adventdalen, Svalbard) formation through multi-method geophysical investigation

13.06., 13 Uhr

  • Valentin Michels: Does size matter? - A comparative field study on the electrical polarization of sugarbeet and maize

20.06., 13 Uhr

  • Alexander Jaron: Coupled application of transient electromagnetic method and electrical resistivity tomography in a permafrost environment

27.06., 13 Uhr

  • Larissa Reineccius: Influence of rhizosphere processes on the plant roots' surface electrical response
  • Kristoffer Kerkhof: On strange tides

04.07., 13 Uhr

  • Joost Hase: Probabilistic inversion of complex resistivity measurements using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling

11.07., 13 Uhr

  • Arne Mansfeld: Debye decomposition of SIP monitoring data of heterogenous carbonate nucleation in sandstone


  • Info-Meeting


  • Jonas Limbrock: Relationships between Cole-Cole model parameters in permittivity and conductivity formulations


  • Arne Mansfeld: Changes in the complex conductivity response of sandstones due to NaHCO3 infiltration, a time-lapse study


  • Valentin Michels: Rhizotron-scale crop root phenotyping using spectral electrical impedance tomography
  • Agostina Ortiz: Detection, distribution and hydrological significance of Andean permafrost in taluses and block slopes in the Agua Negra Basin, Argentina – a geophysical approach


  • Alexander Jaron: Combined analysis of ERT and TEM data for freshwater lens exploration
  • Niklas Heidemann: GeoIT - Our next steps in scientific computing, FAIRdata and IT security

20.12. Achtung: Termin auf 20.12. 15:15 Uhr geändert!

  • Daria Pankova: Elucidating the thermo-hydrogeological controls of Lagoon Pingo (Adventdalen, Svalbard) formation using electrical imaging


  • Niklas Sachwitz: Modelling of the anisotropic effective complex conductivity of plant roots based on cylindrical structural parameterization


  • Joost Hase: Probabilistic inversion of geoelectric measurements on reduced model spaces using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling
  • Kristoffer Kerkhof: On strange tides


  • Larissa Reineccius: Modeling study on the spectral induced polarization response of the rhizosphere

Kontakt und Organisation

Avatar Kemna

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna

Lehrstuhl für Geophysik


Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Wird geladen