The Meteorology and Geophysics teaching unit at the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has opened a branch of the international Master's degree program “Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere” through a cooperation agreement with the University of Padua (Italy), which enables the best five students of a year at the respective location to obtain a double degree with a focus on geophysics.
Students selected for the double degree Master's program can earn the academic degree “Master of Science” in the degree program “Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere” at the University of Bonn as well as the academic degree “Laurea Magistrale” in the degree program “Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources” at the University of Padua.
The cooperation agreement came into force with the signing on December 20, 2024, so that the first selection procedure for the first student exchange in the winter semester 2025/26 can take place at both the University of Bonn and our partner university in Padua in February/March 2025.
The application for the Double Master's Degree Geophysics requires enrollment in “Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere” in Bonn or in “Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources” in Padua. For further information please follow this link1.