Courses from the Institute for Geosciences

We are excited to welcome you to the Institute for Geosciences in Bonn! Here you will find all courses from our Institute which are offered to exchange students. All courses which are held in English are listed below. Should you be interested in taking courses which are held in German, these courses are listed at the bottom of the page.

Please note, that exchange students coming to Bonn who are at the Bachelor level are allowed to take Master courses as well as Bachelor courses!

English Courses

Bachelor Courses

• BP 08 - Geologic Mapping

• BW 31 - Sedimentology

• BW 37 - Digital Mapping in the Geosciences

• BW 52 - Marine and Terrigenous Sediments

• BW 53 - Geochemistry of the Earth Surfaces

• BW 57 - GIS in the Geosciences

Master Courses

• M 01 - Geoscientific Research

• M 80 - Writing & Publishing Scientific Papers

• M 81 - Public Relations

• M 82 - GIS & Geostatistics

• M 83 - Hydrogeophysics

• MP 10 - Vertebrate Paleontology I

• MP 12 - Advanced Vertebrate Paleontology (Dinosaurs)

• MP 20 - Industrial Micropaleontology

• MP 23 - High Resolution Bio- and Sequence Stratigraphy

• MG 22 - Marine Sediments as Environment Archives

• MG 30 - Sedimentary Facies and Facies Architecture

• MG 32 - Basin Analysis - Theories & Case Studies

• MGP 10 - Petrology

• MGP 12 - Isotope Geochemistry

• MGP 20 - Introduction in Planetology and Cosmochemistry

German Courses

Bachelor Courses

• BP 11 - Hydrogeologie

• BP 12 - Große Geowissenschaftliche Geländeübung

• BW 41 - Methoden und Techniken in der Hydrogeologie & Sedimentologie

• BW 43 - Petrologie Magmatischer und Metamorpher Gesteine

• BW 44 - Aspekte der Erderwärmung

• BW 45 - Paläontologische Methoden und Geländearbeit

• BW 46 - Allgemeine Geophysik

• BNW 29 - Botanik für Geowissenschaftler

Master Courses

• M 02 - Geowissenschaftliche Geländearbeit

• M 84 - Angewandte Hydrogeophysik

• MG 11 - Tracerhydrogeologie

• MG 13 - Spezielle Fragen der Hydrogeologie

• MG 21 - Sedimentpetrologische Arbeitsmethoden

• MG 41 - Einführung in die geologische 3D-Modellierung

• MG 53 - Geologische Naturgefahren

• MG 54 - Tektonische Geländestudien und Modelle

• MGP 41 - Spezielle Themen in Mineralogie II

• MGP 51 - Spezielle Themen in der Kristallographie

Bachelor Courses

•    BP 10 - Ingenieurgeologie und Mikropaläontologie

•    BP 12 - Große Geowissenschaftliche Geländeübung

•    BP 80 - Geodatenanalyse im Gelände

•    BW 32 - Technische Mineralogie

•    BW 33 - Kristallographie und Kristallchemie

•    BW 34 - Strukturgeologie I 

•    BW 35 - Spezielle Paläontologie

•    BW 36 - Einführung in die Meteorologie und Geophysik

•    BW 51 - Auswerteverfahren in der Hydrogeologie

•    BW 54 - Strukturgeologie II

•    BW 55 - Paläobiologie und Makroevolution

•    BW 56 - Angewandte Geophysik

•    BNW 25 - Physikpraktikum für Geowissenschaftler

•    BNW 26 - Vertiefung Mathematik für Geowissenschaftler

•    BNW 27 - Anorganisches Chemiepraktikum für Geowissenschaftler

•    BNW 28 - Zoologie für Gowissenschaftler

Master Courses

•    M 02 - Geowissenschaftliche Geländearbeit

•    M 82 - GIS & Geostatistik

•    MP 30 - Terrestrische Paläoökologie und -klimatologie

•    MG 10 - Quantitative Hydrogeologie

•    MG 12 - Umweltgeologie

•    MG 20 - Sedimentgeochemische Arbeitsmethoden

•    MG 51 - Tektonische Geomorphologie

•    MGP 40 - Spezielle Themen in Mineralogie I

•    MGP 60 - Gefüge und Rheologie von Gesteinen

German as a foreign language

Our Institute                                                                                                                                                                              At the Institute for Geosciences some courses and seminars are held completly or even entirly in English. Additionally, all staff members and lecturers of the institute can speak English, as well as numerous other languages.

In the Bachelors program for Geoscienes however, almost all courses are held in German. Due to this, a sufficient knowledge of the German language is advantageous; however, German does not need to be your mother tongue for you to work and study succesfully in our institute!

In the Masters programs for Geology, Paleontology, and Geochemistry/Petrology the courses and seminars are held almost exclusively in English. This helps prepare our graduates for the international job market.

For a complete list of the Geosciences courses in Bonn that are offered in English or German, please follow this link.

The International Office of the University of Bonn is also in charge with helping foreign students strengthen their German skills! Find out more here: German as a Foreign Language

German Courses (DaF):

The University of Bonn offers its foreign students, researchers, and staff multiple opportunities to learn german or to recieve a language certificate. You can find more information about this under the following link: Learning German.

The University of Bonn additionally offers different German courses for students of all academic levels each semester. Information and registration deadlines pertaining to these courses can be found under the following link: German Courses.

If the above listed options are not available to you and you would like to learn German, we reccomend you apply for the courses from the Volkshochschule Bonn.

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