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Institute of Geosciences

Welcome to the website of the Institute of Geosciences!

The Institute of Geosciences at Bonn University combines the sections of Geology, Geochemistry/Petrology, Geophysics and Meteorology. Within these sections, the disciplines of environmental geology, hydrogeology, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, geophysics, geodynamics, climate dynamics, theoretical meteorology and radar polarimetry are covered.

Combined with 2 Bachelor and 4 Master programmes in 2 teaching units, the Institute of Earth Sciences offers a broad spectrum of theoretical and practical disciplines for orientation in university research and teaching.

See for yourself on the following pages!

Teaching & Learning

In this section we present the studies in our degree programmes and the teaching.

You would like to study in the geosciences?
Here you will find all the information you need to apply:

© Pixabay


In this section you will get an overview of the sections at the Institute.

News and Events

Below you will find a compilation of news and events at the Institute of Geosciences including the current research colloquium.

Updates from across the Institute of Geosciences
Prof. Dr. Marcel Thielmann introduces himself as the newly established Chair of W2 Geophysics/Geodynamics5
Welcome to Prof. Dr. Marcel Thielmann! He took over the newly established Chair of W2 Geophysics/Geodynamics on March, 1st 2025 and introduces himself in this news post: "I am a geodynamicist with a focus on developing and applying mathematical and computational models to understand the physical processes that control deformation of the Earth’s surface and interior. I am particularly interested in the interplay between processes on different scales. Current research projects range from deep earthquakes, flow of complex fluids through porous media, the rheology of Earth's lower mantle and the interaction between deep Earth processes and surface deformation." Welcome to the Geophysics Section and the Institute of Geosciences!
Planning competition: Children in the climate crisis6
The Erasmus+ project Children in the Climate Crisis is organising a planning competition until 15 March 2025. All information on participation and prizes can be found here!
Field days in the Applied Geophysics module, WS 24/257
Once again this winter semester, we held our three field days in the mug515 / BW56 Applied Geophysics module at the beginning of November. 
International Double Degree Master's Program in Geophysics8
Cooperation agreement signed for the international geophysics degree program with double degree - double degree for excellent students in the Master's program “Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere” at the University of Bonn and “Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources” at the University of Padua 

Research colloquium

Events of the research colloquium in the summer semester 2023:

Lecture series “Aspects of the Climate Crisis”

The next round of the lecture series "Aspects of the Climate Crisis", formerly "Aspects of Global Warming", will begin on October 24.

The lecture will take place from October 24 on Tuesdays from 18:15 to 19:45 in Lecture Hall 1 of the Lecture Hall Center on the Poppelsdorf campus.

In the public lecture series "Aspects of the Climate Crisis" at the University of Bonn, organized together with "End Fossil: Occupy! Bonn", a wide range of topics will once again be discussed: from the European Green Deal, microplastics and groundwater depletion to colonialism and the right of resistance. As in previous years, the event is also intended to provide a platform for committed, constructive and appreciative discussion.

Weitere Veranstaltungen folgen demnächst.

31. Januar 2021

Startpunkt der Rallye rund um den Hofgarten

Garderobenhalle/ Arkadenhof Hauptgebäude
Am Hof 1
53113 Bonn

Kurze Beschreibung von der Veranstaltung... Möchtest Du einmal eines Deiner Traumstudienfächer antesten? Willst Du wissen, wie die Uni-Institute von innen aussehen? Magst Du mit echten Studis und Dozentinnen und Dozenten sprechen? Dann bist du bei den Wissenschaftsrallyes der Universität Bonn richtig!

CHE Ranking Geosciences Bonn 2021

© Zeitverlag
© Zeitverlag

At the University of Bonn, the subjects mathematics, geography, geosciences and chemistry have been rated particularly positively.

up 14




Studies in 2 teaching units


Professorships filled

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