04. May 2021

CHE Ranking Geosciences Bonn 2021 CHE Ranking Geosciences Bonn 2021: We are delighted with the excellent ratings from students.

The geosciences in Bonn are far ahead in the CHE ranking at the University of Bonn

Authors: Mario Valdivia-Manchego, s6efdrew

At the University of Bonn, the subjects of maths, geography, geosciences and chemistry were rated particularly positively.

We are delighted with the excellent ratings from students.

Very good range of courses and study organisation - top ranking for scientific publications

At the University of Bonn, the subjects of Mathematics, Geography, Earth Sciences and Chemistry were rated particularly positively. The subject of geosciences received multiple very good ratings from students for its supervision, range of courses, study organisation, excursions, scientific relevance and laboratory practicals. Geosciences achieved top rankings in research in terms of publications per scientist.

Student comments: "Geosciences in Bonn has a cooperation agreement with other universities in Cologne and Aachen. Students also have the opportunity to take part in courses at the partner universities as a second student in the Bachelor's programme. In addition, the Institute of Geosciences includes geology, geochemistry, palaeontology, geophysics and meteorology. This enables a very interdisciplinary and versatile study organisation with little overlap of courses."

Field work has a high priority

Supervised fieldwork is carried out as part of excursions and field exercises - also in corona times, taking into account the regulations and after authorisation.

Student comments: "The most relevant part of learning geosciences is the field work, which is very present in teaching thanks to the many excursions at the University of Bonn"

Support from tutors and the geosciences student council

The supervision of the courses is supported by our tutors in addition to the senior lecturers. Close cooperation with the Geosciences Student Council and the online evaluation of teaching also help to optimise courses on an ongoing basis.

Student comments: "The geosciences have wonderful lecture halls at their disposal, including in Poppelsdorfer Schloss and in the Geology building. There is also always a nice corner for students to sit together and study. Before the corona-related restrictions, it was always a lot of fun to be taught in the beautiful old buildings."

Mario Valdivia-Manchego s6efdrew
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