Georg F. Zellmer
Prof. Dr. Georg F. Zellmer
Chair in Petrology and Executive Editor Journal of Petrology
  • EAG
  • DMG
  • AGU
Research topics
  • Igneous Geochemistry
  • Igneous Petrology
  • Vulcanology
Georg F. Zellmer received his PhD from the Open University, UK, in 1999, and subsequently worked as research fellow at the University of Bristol, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Academia Sinica (Taipei). In 2013 he was appointed to Massey University, New Zealand, where he was working as Professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences. In March 2025, he transitioned to the University of Bonn, Germany, taking the position of Chair of Petrology. His work focuses on timescales of petrogenetic processes and their links to volcanic eruptions, magmatic hygrometry, volatile cycling through subduction zones, and integrating geophysical and geochemical observations at global destructive plate margins. Since June 2020, Georg Zellmer is Executive Editor of Journal of Petrology.
Selected publications
  • Brahm R., Coulthard Jr D.A., Zellmer G.F., Kuritani T., Nakagawa M., Sakamoto N., Sato E., Taniuchi H., Yurimoto H. (2024) Olivine-hosted melt inclusions track progressive dehydration reactions in subducting slabs across volcanic arcs. Journal of Petrology 65, egae017.
  • Zellmer G.F., Iizuka Y., Straub S.M. (2024) Origin of crystals in mafic to intermediate magmas from circum-Pacific continental arcs: transcrustal magmatic systems versus transcrustal plutonic systems. Journal of Petrology 65, egae013.
  • Coulthard Jr D.A., Brahm R., Lormand C., Zellmer G.F., Sakamoto N., Iizuka Y., Yurimoto H. (2024) Plutonic nature of transcrustal magmatic systems revealed by Sr-disequilibria in feldspar. Journal of Petrology 65, egad087.
  • Corella Santa Cruz C.R., Zellmer G.F., Stirling C.H., Straub S.M., Brenna M., Reid M.R., Nemeth K., Barr D. (2023) Transcrustal and source processes affecting the chemical characteristics of magmas in a hyperactive volcanic zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 352, 86-106.
  • D’Mello N., Zellmer G.F., Kereszturi G., Procter J.N., Ubide T., Stewart, R.B. (2023) Crystal entrainment from cool, low-silica rocks into hot, high-silica melts: diverse primary melt compositions at Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. Journal of the Geological Society of London 180, jgs2022-036.
  • Zellmer G.F. (2021) Gaining acuity on crystal terminology in volcanic rocks. Bulletin of Volcanology 83, article #78.
  • Lormand C., Zellmer G.F., Kilgour G.N., Németh K., Palmer A.S., Sakamoto N., Yurimoto H., Kuritani T., Iizuka Y., and Moebis A. (2020) Slow ascent of unusually hot intermediate magmas triggering Strombolian to sub-Plinian eruptions. Journal of Petrology 61(10), article #egaa077.
Georg F. Zellmer
Prof. Dr. Georg F. Zellmer
Chair in Petrology and Executive Editor Journal of Petrology


Meckenheimer Allee 169

53115 Bonn

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