Silke Trömel
PD Dr. Silke Trömel
Research associate and Research group leader
  • Department of Meteorology
  • Laboratory for Clouds and Precipitation Exploration
  • Geoverbund ABC/J
Research topics
  • Radar polarimetry and its applications
PD Dr. S. Trömel is heading the working group on radar polarimetry and its applications at the Institute of Geosciences in Bonn. She brings together observationalists, numerical modelers, and hydrologists to foster a better model representation and prediction of cloud and precipitation processes. She is heading the FOR-2589 on "Near-Realtime Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Prediction" (RealPEP) and the SPP-2115 "Fusion of Radar Polarimetry and Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Towards an Improved Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation Processes" (PROM). She is Deputy Director of ABC/J Geoverbund and, together with Prof. U. Löhnert, leading the competence center CPEX-Lab (Clouds and Precipitation Exploration Laboratory) of the Geoverbund ABC/J.
Selected publications
  • Chen, J.-Y., R. Reinoso-Rondinel, S. Trömel, C. Simmer, A. Ryzhkov, 2022: A Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Algorithm to Overcome the Impact of Vertical Gradients of Warm-Rain Precipitation: The Flood in Western Germany on 14 July 2021, Journal of Hydrometeorology,
  • Shrestha, P., J. Mendrok, V. Pejcic, S. Trömel, U. Blahak, and J. T. Carlin, 2022: Evaluation of the COSMO model (v5.1) in polarimetric radar space – Impact of uncertainties in model microphysics, retrievals, and forward operator, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 291–313,
  • Trömel, S., et al, 2021: Overview: Fusion of Radar Polarimetry and Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Towards an Improved Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation Processes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 17291–17314,
  • Trömel, S., A. V. Ryzhkov, B. Hickman, K. Mühlbauer, C. Simmer, 2019: Polarimetric Radar Variables in the Layers of Melting and Dendritic Growth at X Band—Implications for a Nowcasting Strategy in Stratiform Rain. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 2497–2522. doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0056.1
Silke Trömel
PD Dr. Silke Trömel
Research associate and Research group leader


Auf dem Hügel 20

53121 Bonn

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