Teaching and Research

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Some contents of this page are still under construction and are currently being updated. We ask for your understanding and are looking forward to present you a complete and updated web presence of the Geophysics Section as soon as possible.

Geophysics Section

© Abteilung Geophysik, IfGeo, Uni Bonn

Research foci of the Geophysics Section at the University of Bonn comprise geophysical imaging methods, modeling of coupled flow and transport processes in porous and fractured media, and integration of process models and geophysical data through petrophysical models.

The applications in these areas are manifold and include:

  • the characterisation of soils and aquifers
  • the monitoring of flow, transport and biogeochemical processes in the subsurface in the context of wate management
  • the characterisation and remediation of contaminated sites, soil-root interactions
  • the characterisation of permafrost, extended geothermal systems, mud volcanoes and slope (in)stabilities


The Geophysics Section - that's us:

Research and Projects

Click here to find out which research questions and projects the Geophysics Section is actively involved in:

Teaching and Study

You study and are interested in geophysics? Here you can find an overview of the courses:

Services and IT

Here you will find the services and IT applications that our section provides in teaching and research:

AG Geophysics

Kurzbeschreibung vom Thema. Leser abholen ohne auszuschweifen. Die Anzahl der Wörter ist nicht auf das Beispiel begrenzt. 120 Zeichen.

AG Geodynamics

Kurzbeschreibung vom Thema. Leser abholen ohne auszuschweifen. Die Anzahl der Wörter ist nicht auf das Beispiel begrenzt. 120 Zeichen.

News from within the Geophysics Section
Prof. Dr. Marcel Thielmann introduces himself as the newly established Chair of W2 Geophysics/Geodynamics7
Welcome to Prof. Dr. Marcel Thielmann! He took over the newly established Chair of W2 Geophysics/Geodynamics on March, 1st 2025 and introduces himself in this news post: "I am a geodynamicist with a focus on developing and applying mathematical and computational models to understand the physical processes that control deformation of the Earth’s surface and interior. I am particularly interested in the interplay between processes on different scales. Current research projects range from deep earthquakes, flow of complex fluids through porous media, the rheology of Earth's lower mantle and the interaction between deep Earth processes and surface deformation." Welcome to the Geophysics Section and the Institute of Geosciences!
Field days in the Applied Geophysics module, WS 24/258
Once again this winter semester, we held our three field days in the mug515 / BW56 Applied Geophysics module at the beginning of November. 
International Double Degree Master's Program in Geophysics9
Cooperation agreement signed for the international geophysics degree program with double degree - double degree for excellent students in the Master's program “Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere” at the University of Bonn and “Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources” at the University of Padua 
Field measurements on the island Spiekeroog10
The field measurements as part of the module "Hydrogeophysics" of the master's degree programme in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere took place in Whitsun week in 2024. The goal of this week was to apply geophysical measuring methods for characterising hydrological structures and processes. With the available measuring devices the students should analyse flow and transport processes. The exact question was related to the freshwater-saltwater interface of the island's groundwater and its tidal dynamics.

Important links

Jobs & vacancies

Here you will find our open job offers and vacancies:

Ellen Mallas jkasisch Juliane Neußer
Geophysics Section, Institute of Geosciences, University of Bonn
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