Own and used geophysical software
The Department of Geophysics offers various software packages for employees and students. External users can also benefit from the following open source projects.
Own geophysical software
CRTomo is an inversion code for complex resistance tomography and was originally developed by Prof A. Kemna. Further information can be found on the homepage or in the publication below:
Kemna, A. (2000). Tomographic inversion of complex resistivity. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 169.

REDA - Reproducible Electrical Data Analysis
REDA is a scientific Python library for reproducible geoelectrical data analysis. It aims to provide a unified interface for common and advanced data processing steps while bridging the gap between a multitude of geoelectrical measurement devices and inversion codes used across the geophysical community. It offers functionality to import, analyze, process, visualize, and export geoelectrical data with particular emphasis on time-lapse functionality and reproducibility. The latter is realized in the form of a logging system, which keeps track of each individual processing step applied to particular data set in a human-readable journal. There is also limited functionality to create measurements configurations, and export those files to various system specific file formats.
REDA is platform compatible, tested and open-source under the permissive MIT license.
This package contains an implementation of the Cole-Cole decomposition scheme (CCD), which is used in near-surface geophysical applications to describe electric polarisation signatures measured for frequencies in the mHz range up to several kHz.
In the CCD, spectrally induced polarisation signatures (SIP) are described by a superposition of elementary polarisation terms that are distributed in such a way that they cover at least the frequency range of the measurement data.
Further information can be found on the project homepage: https://m-weigand.github.io/ccd_tools
Parts of this code have been described in two open access publications:
1. Weigand und Kemna, 2016, Computer und Geowissenschaften
2. Weigand und Kemna, 2016, Geophysical Journal International
Complex valued probabilistic inversion
This package provides an implementation of a framework for the solution of non-linear inverse problems in complex variables ( introduced by Hase et al. 2024). While solving the inverse problem by Gauss-Newton optimization, the framework uses a probabilistic formulation of the inverse problem that accounts accurately for complex data errors, cross-sensitivities and provides the capability to apply independent regularization on the real and imaginary part of the complex model.
The corresponding download and further information on installation and use can be found here.
Optimized measurement scheme design for ERT surveys
This code supplies a framework for the computation of optimized measurement schemes. The implemented algorithm is based on the "Compare-R"-method (e.g., Wilkinson et al. 2012), which creates an optimized measurement scheme using iterative, efficient updates of the model resolution matrix. The code, examples for the optimization of single- and multichannel surveys, as well as an example for the optimization of configurations for a closed rhizotron geometry can be found in the Github.
External software
The following is a selection of externally developed open source software that is actively used in teaching and research in the Department of Geophysics.
pyGIMLi is an open-source library for modelling and inversion and in geophysics. The object-oriented library provides management for structured and unstructured meshes in 2D and 3D, finite-element and finite-volume solvers, various geophysical forward operators, as well as Gauss-Newton based frameworks for constrained, joint and fully-coupled inversions with flexible regularization.
What is pyGIMLi suited for?
- analyze, visualize and invert geophysical data in a reproducible manner
- forward modelling of (geo)physical problems on complex 2D and 3D geometries
- inversion with flexible controls on a-priori information and regularization
- combination of different methods in constrained, joint and fully-coupled inversions
- teaching applied geophysics (e.g. in combination with Jupyter notebooks)
Click here for the pyGIMLi documentation.
Questions and Answers
In addition to a range of internal services, the Geophysics department offers the software listed above. These software packages are developed in co-operation with or within the Geophysics department. Further services are listed on the Services page. Technical tools and workflows used in the Geophysics department are listed on another page.
If a service does not work as expected, please contact the system administration of the Geophysics Section (see contact below).
Dr. Maximilian Weigand
Research associate
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn
M.Sc. Niklas Heidemann
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn