

On this page you will find a number of links to external content for whose accuracy and topicality we accept no responsibility. Please use this information with caution.

Technical tools and workflows

The Department of Geophysics uses a variety of freely available software projects for research and teaching. On this page we provide some relevant information and links to the most important third-party projects. The various software packages offered by the Department of Geophysics can be found here1.

© Python Software Foundation


To learn the programming language, the information for beginners is listed below.

Environments and VirtualEnvironments are an important aspect. These are parallel approaches, but have the same goal of creating an isolated environment for Python. These environments2 are relevant when using Anaconda. Alternatively, you can find the documentation on Python virtual environments (venv) here3.

© JupyterLab
© GitLab


The open source tool Git is used for version management and helps to maintain a standard for data management. The GitLab server of the University of Bonn21 is available for the Geophysics working group.
The following resources are recommended for the first steps and familiarisation with the topic:

Git Large File Storage

Git-lfs is an open source Git extension for versioning large files.

Data management

Further information and tips on data management can be found here35.


Avatar Weigand

Dr. Maximilian Weigand

Research associate


Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Avatar Heidemann

M.Sc. Niklas Heidemann



Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

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