
Weather Forecast and Weather Data

Here you will find current weather forecasts from various international weather models and current weather data from the meteorological garden station in Bonn-Endenich.

Weather Forecast

On the synoptic information platform of the Meteorology section, we present, among other things, specially produced model maps, meteograms, and soundings, as well as analyses and forecasts from the German Weather Service (DWD) and other providers.

With our extensive set of model maps from weather models such as GFS, ICON, ICON-EU, ICON-D2, and IFS, both professional weather forecasts for synopticians and interesting insights for meteorological enthusiasts are possible. In addition, there is a comprehensive archive of analysis maps available.

Weather data

The data shown is recorded by sensors located in the garden or on the roof of the institute. The individual sensors are queried automatically.

The temperature is measured using PT100 measuring resistors, which are located in a
psychrometer at a height of 2 metres above the ground.
The amount of precipitation is measured using precipitation gauges with a tipping bucket or with a weighing principle.
Solar radiation is measured using pyranometers on the roof of the institute. The ultrasonic anemometer for wind measurement is mounted on a mast about 10 metres above the roof surface.
Not all recorded data is currently displayed here.

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