Climate Change and Extreme Events: Physics & Processes, Statistics, Impacts, and Software & Data
New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions
Coming Decade
Decadal climate predictions for Europe
Coming Decade

Working group "Climate Dynamics and Statistics"

Our research activities include the statistical and dynamical analysis of atmospheric processes, the statistical post-processing of weather and climate forecasts, and the detection and attribution of climate change signals. An important focus is on extreme events, their drivers and their statistical description and prediction, both in the short term and on climate time scales. In close collaboration with the "Climate Monitoring" group of Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters, we pursue an integrated view of the Earth system by bringing together observations, dynamical and stochastic process understanding, and statistical and numerical modeling to understand and predict processes in the energy, water, and carbon cycles.

Research foci and projects

  • Extreme weather and climate events
  • Detection and attribution of climate change
  • Statistical-dynamic analysis of climate
  • Verification and evaluation of forecasts
  • Statistical post-processing of numerical weather forecasts
  • Extreme value statistics
  • Description of extremes of spatio-temporal processes

A research network on climate change and extreme events

© ClimXtreme

Coming Decade - Decadal climate predictions for Europe


© DKRZ/Etor E. Lucio Eceiza

High-resolution Earth System monitoring and diagnostics for sustainable applications

HErZ Website

New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions


Teaching focus

  • Climate dynamics
  • Statistical methods
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Inverse Modeling
  • Thermodynamics
  • Dynamics of the atmosphere

Climate seminar


Avatar Friederichs

PD Dr. Petra Friederichs

Working group leader and Research associate

Avatar Buschow

Dr. Sebastian Buschow

Research associate

Avatar Szemkus

Svenja Szemkus

PhD student

Avatar Fohrmann

Till Fohrmann

PhD student

Avatar Liu

M.Sc Ziyu Liu

PhD student

Avatar Rosell

Christian Rosell

PhD student

Avatar Roque Mamani

Jane Roque Mamani

PhD student

Avatar Kelbch

Dr. Alexander Kelbch

Research associate (DWD)

Avatar Valmassoi

Dr. Arianna Valmassoi

Research associate (DWD)

Avatar Ertz

M.Sc. Philipp Ertz

Research associate

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