Project application
Motivation and objectives
The current events of extreme weather and climate events highlight the need for a substantive and objective discussion of this topic, the expertise of which characterizes our community. This knowledge must be packaged and disseminated accordingly. This in turn requires a central platform for high-quality meteorological materials. To this end, specific materials at various levels (elementary school, secondary school and university (Bachelor's/Master's)) should be collected, prepared and made available online. On the other hand, this platform must be disseminated, for which an extensive network is helpful. The OER community is still in the process of being established and is aiming for precisely this expansion in the coming years. The links between universities and external stakeholders in all possible areas should be strengthened. There is also a clear need to create a central office that can drive forward the networking of the community, open it up to the outside world and provide expertise in OER and OEP (Open Educational Practices).
Work packages with the planned measures and their implementation
Five work packages (WPs) are planned to achieve the project's objectives, which will be implemented together with the partner universities of Cologne, Kalsruhe and Hamburg.

WP 1: Platform and research
Planned measures and implementation:
- Find a suitable platform for meteorological OER materials
- Linking the platform to the search function, e.g. OERSI
- Research, testing and presentation of good OER/OEP examples
This should result in a platform on which the best-practice example from WP 4 is to be created and published.
WP 2: Strengthening and expanding the network
Planned measures and implementation:
- Half-yearly meetings alternately in person and online within the KlimaOER network
- Workshops on the topics of inclusion, licensing, open source tools, evaluation, reuse and AI tools in OER are organized, offered and held
- Screening and inviting external, interested stakeholders to the network and to the workshops
There will be seven network meetings at which the workshops with the above-mentioned topics will be discussed. The meetings will also serve to exchange ideas, clarify the current status of the project and set new interim goals.
WP 3: Expert pool and mentoring program
Planned measures and implementation:
- Identification and involvement of experts who have already created OER materials.
- Development of a mentoring program. KlimaOER should become a point of contact for those interested in creating OER materials.
- Establishment of a knowledge exchange between experts and new community members
A functioning mentoring program with regular online get-togethers open to everyone should be established.
WP 4: Development of guidelines and best-practice examples
Planned measures and implementation:
- Generally applicable guidelines on the topics of inclusion, licensing, open source tools, evaluation, reuse and tools of AI in OER are created and made freely accessible to the entire OER community and interested parties
- Creation of at least one outstanding OER course in the field of meteorology
- Feedback and evaluation within the community
Firstly, the six tested and evaluated guidelines will be published and secondly, an outstanding best-practice example with an application option in university teaching, which has also been extensively tested and evaluated, will be available online for everyone.
You can find all the results already produced under Project Results1.
WP 5: Partnerships and cooperations
Planned measures and implementation:
- Identifying and building partnerships and other OER communities
- Using online platforms and social media to establish contacts with relevant stakeholders
- Introducing KlimaOER to new contacts
A contact list of actors and OER communities, which serves to find helpful people quickly and easily, is kept up to date and is continuously updated.
If you have any questions about the project, are interested in working with us or would like to request a school visit, you can contact us at or using the contact details below.
Ellen Arimond
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Auf dem Hügel 20
53121 Bonn
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters
Auf dem Hügel 20
53121 Bonn
Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Schielicke
Lehrstuhlinhaberin, Vertretung