Working group Climate Monitoring
The research activities of the working group "Climate monitoring" focus on the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer. For the analysis of the boundary layer, i.e. the layer that is in direct contact with the Earth's surface, we use modern in-situ observation techniques. With these, we study exchange processes between air and water (ocean, lakes, and rivers) and between air and land, e.g., the exchange of momentum, heat, moisture, and gases. In close collaboration with the working group "climate dynamics and statistics", we pursue an integrated view of the Earth system, bringing together observations, dynamical and stochastic process understanding, and numerical modeling to understand processes in the energy, water, and carbon cycles.
Research focus
- Boundary layer meteorology
- climate dynamics
- carbon cycle
- air-water exchange processes
- observations

Family-Friendly Conferences
This project is dedicated to more inclusive conference participation for scientists with family obligations.

Development, expansion and strengthening of the OER community in meteorology to include as many specialist areas as possible relating to the climate system in order to create an barrier-free and level-adapted OER landscape.

Children in the Climate Crisis
This project sees itself as an international contribution to the fight against climate change. The focus is on professionalizing ecological and scientific education for educators at daycare centers, schools, and youth centers. Through sensitizing children and adolescents to the need for climate protection, the necessary, sustainable societal consensus is to be promoted.
Teaching focus
- Climate dynamics
- atmospheric boundary layer
- presentation techniques
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters
Junior professorship
Yohanes Ginting
PhD student
M.Sc. Yann Büchau
Research associate
B.Sc. Elena Päffgen
Research assistant
Ellen Arimond
Research associate
Simon Hauser
PhD student