
Study of Meteorology and Geophysics

All study programmes and information on meteorology and geophysics at a glance

The focus of meteorology and geophysics, two disciplines within the Earth sciences with a strong emphasis on physics and mathematics, is to record, analyze, and predict the physical properties and processes of the Earth's system. By combining these two fields, it is possible to model essential exchange processes between the atmosphere, ocean, and solid Earth, and to formulate and address questions related to current climate and environmental research.

Why study with us? Our image film will convince you!

Information for first semester students and prospective students

Is every beginning difficult? Our offers for a smooth start to your studies

You need to think carefully about which subject is right for you. Use our online self assessment (OSA) to get a first impression!
Our student advisory service is available to provide you with a wide range of information and give you an insight into meteorology and geophysics. Come by and talk to us in person!

Our mentorate and MuG student council is happy to provide insights from a student perspective.  If you have any general or specific study matters, please contact the central student advisory service at the University of Bonn.

Enrolled, and what now? Make use of offers even before the start of lectures and become familiar with the systems for students!

    For the winter semester, from June 10th to September 30th, or for the summer semester, from December 10th to March 31th, you can enroll online for the Bachelor programme in Meteorology and Geophysics at the student registry of the University of Bonn and get started!

    Specific concerns, such as changing universities, transferring, prospective international students, studying without a high school diploma, and questions about the enrollment process as a regular or non-degree student, can be addressed with the student registry and/or the central study advisory service at the University of Bonn.

    Application for the Master programme in PEA is done online for both the winter and summer semesters through the application portal

    Admission requirements: a first qualifying university degree with 60 ECTS credits in meteorology/geophysics, mathematics, and physics; of which at least 10 ECTS credits must be in mathematics, 10 ECTS credits in physics, and 20 ECTS credits in meteorology/geophysics. Proficiency in the English language is required as well (at least B2 level).

    If your Bachelor's programme lacks the required 60 ECTS credits and portions of the aforementioned subject knowledge: complete modules as bridging courses in the BSc. Meteorology and Geophysics. Please contact academic advising in advance of your application for further information

    All about studying - courses, modules, organization, formalities

    Examination regulations govern your rights and responsibilities. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Whether you have questions about exam registration, minor subjects, Erasmus, or bridging courses for admission to the Master degree programme, we are here to help and advise, so you can study without worries!

    Bachelor Meteorology and Geophysics (in German)

    Admission-free 180 ECTS Bachelor for mathematical-physical observation, analysis & prediction of the Earth system

    Register online without admission restrictions for the winter semester from 10 June to 30 September or the summer semester from 10 December to 31 March with the student registry of the University of Bonn.

    Clarify special concerns, such as changing universities, transferring, prospective students from abroad, studying without a high school diploma and questions about the enrolment process as a student or secondary student with the central student registry and/or the central student advisory service

    • Exam registration and deregistration up to one week before the exam date via BASIS; note different deadlines for Physics and Maths!
    • No exam participation possible without registration in BASIS
    • Failure to appear when registered is a failed attempt, i.e. 5.0
    • Each failed exam may only be repeated 3 times - never take the exam unprepared!
    • In the event of illness, submit a doctor's certificate (pdf) no later than the day of the examination

    Free compulsory elective area with 8 (12 old regulations) ECTS: modules from geosciences, physics, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, geodesy, geography, economics and philosophy are possible as minor subjects; module list visible in BASIS under examination registration and in the module handbook (pdf).

    Other minor subject modules must be applied for in advance with the  examination board (attach credit points and module description).

    • Once you have achieved 90 ECTS, you can apply for admission to the Bachelor's thesis (pdf)
    • Search for topics by contacting desired supervisors; independent work and obligation to supervisor is a must
    • Processing time: five months in winter 15 Sep-15 Feb or summer 15 Mar-15 Aug; apply for an extension of the submission date by a maximum of six weeks in consultation with the supervisor by e-mail stating reasons to the examination board
    • Before submission, a 30-minute presentation must be given in the Bachelor's colloquium (and others within the working group)
    • Submission of three (3) bound copies and a digital version via Sciebo with a declaration of independent preparation (LaTeX-template (tex-file), pdf-preview) to the examination office by the deadline
    • Thesis comprises 12 ECTS; grade is the arithmetic mean of the grades of both supervisors (pdf)

    Master Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere

    Strongly research-oriented 120 ECTS Master of Science with specialization in meteorology or geophysics in cooperation with the MSc. PEA of the University of Cologne

    • Admission requirements: first professionally qualifying university degree with 60 ECTS credits in meteorology/ geophysics, mathematics and physics; of which at least 10 credits in mathematics, 10 credits in physics and 20 credits in meteorology/ geophysics; knowledge of English language (at least level B2)
    • If you do not meet the admission requirements, clarify this with the student advisory service in good time before applying; the modules Physics of the Atmosphere/ Solid Earth, Remote Sensing, Synoptics or Climatology in the BSc. MuG are usually suitable bridging courses
    • Apply online at for the winter semester (1 Jun-15 Sep) or summer semester (1 Dec-15 Mar)
    • Graduates of the University of Bonn: login with Uni-ID and start digital application; graduates of other universities: complete self-registration and activate access, only then apply in the second step
    • Call up admission or rejection notice electronically in the application portal and use it to register with the study registry office of the University of Bonn (link in the application portal)
    • Exam registration and deregistration up to one week before the exam date via BASIS
    • No exam participation possible without registration in BASIS
    • Failure to appear when registered is a failed attempt, i.e. 5.0
    • Each failed exam may only be repeated 3 times - never take the exam unprepared!
    • In the event of illness, submit a doctor's certificate (pdf) no later than the day of the examination

    In order to be able to complete Cologne modules, a second registry is required:

    1. From 15 Mar for summer semester or 15 Sep for winter semester register immediately at ; fill in and select your personal data:
      - Study program selection: Zweithörerstudium
      - Programme: Kleiner Zweithörer MNF Kooperation
      - Entry semester: 1
      - Form: kein Abschluss
    2. As soon as the above is verified, send e-mail to with your specialization (meteorology/ geophysics).
    3. The second student fee is NOT payable! As soon as the formalities have been completed, you will receive access to the Cologne systems (Klips, Ilias) and must register for Cologne courses and examinations there (not in Bonn).
    4. Send the Cologne ToR to the examinations office after each semester to have your grades recorded in Bonn
    5. Important: in all subsequent semesters, send the current certificate of enrollment from the University of Bonn to with the e-mail subject: Re-registration for second degree studies MSc. Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere (even if you don't want to take a module in Cologne).

    Free compulsory elective area pea740 with 12 ECTS: all other PEA modules from Bonn or Cologne can be included or minor subject modules from geology, geochemistry, astrophysics and geodesy; module list visible in BASIS under examination registration in the structure tree under free compulsory electives.

    Other minor subject modules must be applied for in advance with the examination board (attach credit points and module description).

    • Search for topics by contacting desired supervisors two (2) semesters before graduation; independent work and obligation to supervisor is a must
    • Work towards a Master's thesis in preparatory modules pea950 and pea960 for one semester (topic/method familiarization, project work, presentations in working groups)
    • Once pea950/960 and 60 ECTS have been completed, you may apply for admission to the Master's thesis (pdf)
    • Processing time: six months in winter 15 Aug-15 Feb or summer 15 Feb-15 Aug; apply for an extension of the submission date by a maximum of six weeks in consultation with the supervisor by e-mail to the examination board stating reasons
    • Before submission, a 30-minute presentation must be given in the Master's colloquium (and others within the working group)
    • Submission of three (3) bound copies and a digital version via Sciebo with a declaration of independent preparation (LaTeX-template (tex-file), pdf-preview) to the examination office by the deadline
    • Thesis comprises 30 ECTS; grade is the arithmetic mean of the grades of both supervisors (pdf)

    Bachelor Meteorology (expiring)

    Bachelor Meteorology can no longer be started. As long as there are no obstacles, the students will be transferred to the BSc. MuG 2025

    Students must complete the degree program by 31 March 2025 or may transfer to the BSc. Meteorology and Geophysics degree program before 31 March 2025 upon written application; see specific regulations (pdf) and notice of expiry (pdf)

    • Exam registration and deregistration up to one week before the exam date via BASIS
    • No exam participation possible without registration in BASIS
    • Failure to appear if registered is a failed attempt, i.e. 5.0
    • Each failed examination may be repeated twice and must be repeated on the next date; if two dates are offered in the semester, both count as one failed attempt; after failing three times, a final attempt may be made
    • In the event of illness, submit a doctor's certificate (pdf) no later than the day of the examination
    • For import modules (physics, mathematics and minor subject), the regulations of the examination regulations of the other subjects apply
    • Please note the differen procedure for physics lab courses
    • Compulsory elective Meteorological Research: either choose a compulsory module from the MSc. PEA or complete a six-week internship in a meteorological company

    Free compulsory elective area with 12 ECTS: as a minor subject, modules from geosciences, physics, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, geography, economics, philosophy and languages are possible; module list visible in BASIS under examination registration in the structure tree under free compulsory electives.

    Other minor subject modules must be applied for in advance with the examination board (attach credit points and module description).

    • Once you have achieved 90 ECTS, you can apply for admission to the Bachelor's thesis (pdf)
    • Search for topics by contacting desired supervisors; independent work and obligation to supervisor is a must
    • Processing time is five months; apply for an extension of the submission date by a maximum of six weeks in consultation with the supervisor by e-mail stating reasons to the examination board
    • Before submission, a 30-minute presentation must be given in the Bachelor's colloquium (and others within the working group)
    • Submission of three (3) bound copies and a digital version via Sciebo with a declaration of independent preparation (LaTeX-template (tex-file), pdf-preview) to the examination office by the deadline
    • Thesis comprises 12 ECTS; grade is the arithmetic mean of the grades of both supervisors (pdf)

    Studying internationally: Erasmus+

    Within the degree programmes in Meteorology and Geophysics at the Geoscience Institute, there is the possibility of receiving funding for a maximum of two semesters to study abroad through the European ERASMUS+ programme. There are bilateral agreements with the following universities in Europe that offer degree programmes in meteorology, geophysics or atmospheric physics:

    © This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    An application without consultation with the Erasmus coordinators Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters and Dr. Anna Zoporowski is not recommended.
    Selection criteria: Students are generally suitable if

    • their academic achievements to date are good to very good,
    • they can credibly demonstrate language skills for the target country
    • and can clearly justify an enrichment of their studies (incl. study programme of at least 20 ECTS) in their letter of motivation.

    You can apply to study abroad stays for 1-2 semesters with Erasmus+ via the University of Bonn's online portal Mobility-Online. You should also submit all required documents and evidence there by the application deadline.
    Please read the detailed instructions for preparing your application on the Erasmus pages of the International Office of the University of Bonn beforehand.
    The recognition of achieved ECTS abroad is based on the foreign transcript of records via the examination board.

    Supraregional studies: ABC/J

    The Geoverbund ABC/J is the geosciences network in the Aachen-Bonn-Cologne/Jülich research region. There is a broad and complementary range of geoscientific degree programmes with jointly usable courses, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for students to develop their individual profiles.

    If you would like to take modules for the BSc. MuG or MSc. PEA in Cologne or Aachen, please contact the student advisory in advance.
    Students from Cologne and Aachen: our modules in the BSc. MuG and MSc. PEA are subject to availability. Please contact us!

    Meteorology and Geophysics as a minor subject

    The contents of meteorology and geophysics are exciting and an attractive minor subject - we are happy to welcome students from other degree programmes who can choose from various courses as free elective modules and also final theses in the BSc. Meteorology and Geophysics and MSc. Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere!

    Lecture, exercise 6 ECTS in winter semester: offered for Bachelor Geosciences, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Geodesy, Chemistry, Economics
    Module description (pdf)

    Bachelor Physics: plus 2 ECTS seminar in order to gain 8 ECTS.
    Bachelor Geosciences: Module code BW 36 in WP A.

    Lecture, seminar, exercise 6 ECTS in summer semester: offered for Bachelor Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Geodesy, Chemistry, Economics
    Module description (pdf)

    Bachelor Physics: plus 2 ECTS seminar in order to gain 8 ECTS.

    Lecture, exercise 6 ECTS in summer semester: offered for Bachelor Geosciences, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Geodesy, Chemistry
    Module description (pdf)

    Bachelor Physics: plus 2 ECTS seminar in order to gain 8 ECTS
    Bachelor Geosciences WP B (BW 46): plus Mathematical supplements in order to gain 8 ECTS

    Lecture, exercise, computer exercise 6 ECTS in winter semester: offered for Bachelor Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Geodesy
    Modul description (pdf) 

    Lecture, exercise 6 ECTS in winter semester: offered for Bachelor Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Geodesy, Chemistry
    Module description (pdf)

    Bachelor Physics: plus 2 ECTS seminar in order to gain 8 ECTS.

    Lecture, exercise, seminar 8 ECTS in summer semester: offered for Bachelor Mathematics, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Economics
    Module description (pdf)

    Lecture, exercise, field exercise 8 ECTS winter semester: offered for Bachelor Geosciences in WP C (BW 56)
    mug110, mug220, physics lab course and all three maths/physics modules required to join
    Modul description (pdf)

    Our PEA modules (pdf) are open to all master students, especially physics students, as a minor subject; however, please clarify with your examination office in advance whether, which and to what extent you are allowed to import our modules.

    Bachelor and master students in physics can apply to their examination office to complete their final thesis with us. Contact our professors at least two semesters before graduation to start the research phase with physics910/920 as preparation for the Master's thesis in good time or to discuss additional module assignments in the bachelor degree programme - we look forward to hearing from you!

    Courses, examinations, room plan Meteorology and Geophysics

    Our courses with eCampus links in BASIS for winter term 2024/25

    Course catalog BASIS 1. semester BSc. MuG

    Our examination dates (red) & deadlines Physics

    Dates for Bachelor- & Master-colloquium

    Room allocation AdH20

    Room allocation SR Geophysics MA176

    Maps Meteorology AdH20Geophysics MA176

    Dates of the student advisory service

    Weather tip - open to all!

    Contact persons

    Examination board

    BSc. Meteorology and Geophysics
    Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
    Deputy chair: Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters
    Professors (deputy): Prof. Dr. Andreas Bott (Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollet, Prof. Dr. Ambre Luguet, Prof. Dr. Christian März)
    Academic staff (deputy): Larissa Reineccius (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Petra Friederichs)
    Students (deputy): Hendrik Jahn (Johanna Kasischke)

    MSc. Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere
    Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
    Deputy chair: Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters
    Professors (deputy): Prof. Dr. Andreas Bott (Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollet, Prof. Dr. Ambre Luguet, Prof. Dr. Christian März)
    Academic staff (deputy): Priv.-Doz. Dr. Petra Friederichs (Larissa Reineccius)
    Students (deputy): Erik Brune (Magdalena Kracheletz)

    Examination office

    Daniela Domgörgen
    Institute of Geosciences |
    Meteorology and Geophysics
    Meckenheimer Allee 176 | 53115 Bonn | room 2.020
    phone: +49 228 73 - 2949

    Consultation hours: see calendar and by appointment by e-mail

    Student advisory

    Dr. Anna Zoporowski
    Institute of Geosciences |
    Meteorology and Geophysics
    Meckenheimer Allee 176 | 53115 Bonn | room 2.020
    Auf dem Hügel 20 | 53121 Bonn | room 0.009a
    phone: +49 228 73 - 2466

    Consultation hours: usually Mondays AdH20 see calendar and by appointment by e-mail


    Johanna Kasischke
    Institute of Geoscience |
    Meteorology and Geophysics
    Meckenheimer Allee 176 | 53115 Bonn | room 3.006
    "How to...?" mentorate programme Tue 14 c.t. SR AdH20

    Meteorology and Geophysics student council

    Institute of Geosciences |
    Meteorology and Geophysics
    Auf dem Hügel 20 | 53121 Bonn | room U1.012


    Evaluation project group

    Evaluation chair (deputy): Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters (Dr. Anna Zoporowski)
    Professors (deputy): Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters (Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna)
    Academic staff (deputy): Arne Mansfeld (Larissa Reineccius)
    Study programme manager: Dr. Anna Zoporowski
    Students (deputy): Magdalena Kracheletz,
    Johanna Kasischke (Hendrik Jahn, Erik Brune)

    QVM committee

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
    Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters
    Students: Johanna Kasischke, Hendrik Jahn

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